Saturday, January 14, 2012

TLDR Update 1/14/12

Hey everybody, it's time for a quick update.

Well, maybe not quick.  I've had a lot happen in the last week so I should probably explain a little.

First and foremost I took a week off of writing because it was starting to take a toll on me and I felt the quality of my articles was suffering.  I'd much rather not write and recover than mindlessly pump out bad material, so that's what I did.  There is a lot of enjoyment for me in contributing what I can to the community so don't expect me to stop cold turkey on this thing any time soon.

Another big thing is I'm likely to be changing residences soon so I don't know how regular I can keep this thing updated.  If I find the time I will get a number of writeups done far ahead of time just so I can throw them at you guys until I can do more.  My situation in life is really shaky at the moment so I'm really doing the best I can for the readers while trying to keep myself afloat.

A final, much more minor thing is that I've been fighting a cold since around the 8th of December.  Lots of medicine and rest really hasn't been doing as much good as I would have hoped but I'm coping.  The reason why you are reading this instead of an X-23 article is because I woke up feeling awful today and typing is a real strain on me physically.  I'll likely crawl back into bed once I'm done and wellness permitting I'll try to type it up later today.  If you don't see it today then I will have it out soon, just not as soon as I'd have hoped.

So I just wanted to let you all know I haven't forgotten or fallen off the edge of the Earth, I'm just not it a good place right now and I'm trying to get back up on the horse.  Expect more updates soon, I just need to recover.

As always, thanks for you time.  I hope to be writing and crunching numbers again soon.

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